Wednesday, 28 November 2007


All students must now compleate a 1000 words discursive essay on 'New Media'

Consider questioning your opinions on:
what new media is? Is it an art form, platform or art movement? Difine your ideas this.
Use the session examples as research points to dicribe and highlight the use of new media in todays socioty.
Question what you have found interesting about this research or what you found uninteresting and explain why.
Explain how you use new media within your specialisms at college and prehaps describe any plans you have to use new media to further your learning,understanding and development of the arts for yourself.

i have written a 1000 word essay on my own thoughts about 'New Media'. If it helps have a read.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Net Art!

Yes it's that time. Net art is upon us.
'But what is it?'
'Is it art on the net?'
Well hell yeah stupid...but its only created for the web. You shouldn't find this art anywhere else!
because its net art. Its a new platform of art created for those who surf the net.
The sites are random to say the least.
But check them out. If you look at this form of new media with an open mind, you just may see the point. If not...well hell i cant make you like it but certainly question it.

Net Art - the list
Here are projects and archives that are designed to be viewed through a web browser. They include Flash and html sites.

turbulence - Turbulence is a project of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. (aka Ether-Ore)

Tate online - have a really good look through this site, its fantastic. Its touchable movable art. I cant see that its ever the same revisited, again and again. Every time you respond to the pages, essentially you are creating a new piece each time. WICKED!

Superbad - serious headache. If anybody can make any sense of this please tell me what it is, except from very pretty!

Infinite wheel - ought to you by the 'Dub City Rockers' its Dub selection Flash stylee fantastic!

Tokyo Plastic - this site is very slick! but essentially flash animators showing the frack off!

Rhizome - Art of the new millennium. This is a site and organisation dedicated to Archive and commissioning organisation for net art.

Wednesday, 14 November 2007


Today’s session is related to 'Flash Mobbing'.

Flash mobbing, from what I can understand was created by a dude in America, to hit the young American 'trendies'. Trendies are uber cool peeps that will do any latest trend to stay uber cool. (Let’s hope eating poop never becomes one of them!) So this guy thinks up a plan to start a new cool trend that basically points the finger at the trendies and makes a laugh of them. Well the outcome of this experiment was slightly different.
The formula to flash mobbing is that it is a secret and under cover event. Contact details of a flash event organiser are posted on the internet or flyers in certain places (usually universities). People wishing to take part would be able to contact a number by text with their contact details. Then when a flash event is about to take place, the organiser will contact all applicants with the event, time, date and terms of the event.
Flash mobbing is harmless but has the parlance of being very anarchistic.

Flash mob sites -

Flash Mob manifesto -

I found this interesting flashmob manifesto. It's translated English about half way down.
Scroll slowly or you'll miss it!

OWWW! More look, keep looking.....



Wednesday, 7 November 2007

New Media Artists

Today we discussed the multi platforms in which new media can be produced.
Platforms such as the web namely, video instillation, performance and video instillation, and performance art.
The artist we used, as examples today were Michel Gondry - with the Chemical Brothers ' let forever be'.
This particular video incorporated music performance, and dance performance on the platform of moving image.

We also explored Spike Jones and 'Torrance Dance Group' instillation. This is a great example of liver performance in context, moving into a moving image format for a music performance.

I think it’s important for the students to understand that MTV offers a music video that goes with a music track. But an artist thinks these videos up and the involvement of art, performance and the symbolism within that is something to be recognised.

Essentially what these artists are doing is taking instillation out of the 4 white walls it is usually recognised in and bringing it to your home.
So lets just hope that people do recognise this, as new media is in affect old media reproduced in new languages to be accommodating for audiences.

I wonder if the audience has caught on to this yet?

Oh one more to think about...
Instillation/Performance art???

This one makes me cry with happieness...hahahahahahaah

The Designers Prayer

We designers, who art in employment
Hallowed by thy studio name
Thy clients will come
Thy briefs will be done
On time as it is on budget
Give us this day more glorious ideas
And forgive us our inferior ones
As we forgive those who practice bad typography
And lead us not into complaint
(over long hours and low pay)
But deliver us the studio, the mac and adobe
for ever and ever


'you Tag in thinks so!'

More Throwies

More Throwies pretty